Torben Robertson
6 mins
Mileage Log Spreadsheet for IRS-Compliant Mileage Tracking
Here is a free, copiable milage log spreadsheet that you can use to track your mileage. Great for reimbursement programs or personal deductions!

Free Mileage Log Spreadsheet for IRS-Compliant Deduction and Reimbursement
If you drive for work, it’s important to keep track of your mileage for both tax deduction and reimbursement purposes. An IRS-compliant mileage log spreadsheet can help you do just that. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with just such a logbook! Our Google Sheets copyable mileage spreadsheet is yours to copy and use. You can be ready for tax time, whether you’re self-employed or part of a company reimbursement program, by using this IRS-compliant mileage log. Read on to learn more, or visit the sheet now to start recording your mileage.
Mileage tracking spreadsheet (make a copy!)
Why you need a mileage log
Keeping a mileage log is essential for self-employed people who drive for work, as well as companies with reimbursement programs. Aside from ensuring accurate tracking of mileage for tax deductions, maintaining a mileage log can also save you time and money.
A mileage log allows self-employed people to plan the most efficient routes between destinations and take advantage of available tax benefits. Companies can effectively track employee’s business trips and ensure that their reimbursement policy meets IRS standards.
It can also help manage employee activities on the road and make sure each trip taken makes sense in relation to the company’s goals. Having a reliable mileage log not only saves time and money, but makes life much easier all around.
How to set up your spreadsheet
Managing mileage information can get complicated and confusing quickly but we have the perfect solution. We have created a custom Google Sheets log that you can configure and use to record every detail of your journey.
All you need to do is make a copy of our sheet and then you’re ready to get started. Just enter in the necessary information to ensure accuracy, including starting mileage, end mileage, travel date, and purpose. We hope this spreadsheet makes managing your mileage much simpler so you can focus on getting where you need to go!
(There are further instructions on how to work the mileage tracking spreadsheet on the “Read Me” sheet of the Google Workbook.)
Tips for tracking your mileage
Properly tracking mileage can be daunting and confusing, but following some simple tips can save tons of time and effort in the long run. It is important to follow IRS guidelines when it comes to tracking mileage—for further guidance, be sure to read up on Cardata’s blog, especially the article on IRS Rules for Mileage Reimbursement.
Some tips to get your started:
- Make sure you fill out all necessary information each time you take a trip for business purposes
- Be sure to separate your business and personal miles
- Generally speaking, commuting mileage does not count as business travel
Taking the time to properly track your mileage will ultimately save you time, money, and frustration down the road!
How to use your mileage log for IRS deduction and reimbursement purposes
Keeping a well-maintained mileage log is an essential piece of tax preparation for individuals who are able to deduct their driving expenses from their personal income taxes. As such, the most important part of the log is documenting all pertinent information such as the date, mileage and purpose of each trip taken.
Additionally, if you’re with a company that has a mileage reimbursement program in place make sure your manager receives all your miles on time, otherwise there’s no way to keep an accurate record of them. Doing this will keep you organized and help you make sure you get everything you’re owed back during tax season, and get reimbursed for legitimate business expenses.
FAQs about mileage logs
What are mileage tracking logs?
Mileage logs are an important way for individuals and businesses to track driving over a certain period of time.
Why do you need to use a mileage tracking spreadsheet?
It’s important to accurately keep track of your mileage for a variety of reasons, including tax deductions for business trips and reimbursement for corporate travel expenses.
What are the benefits of using a mileage log?
Keeping an organized and detailed record can help save time and money in the long run.
What information do you need to put on mileage logs?
When filling out mileage logs, make sure that you document all trips taken with both the starting and ending locations as well as any notes or details that may be relevant. Keep thorough records of receipts or other documents associated with those trips to ensure proper auditing procedures should they be necessary.
What alternatives exist to mileage tracking spreadsheets?
The main alternative to a paper or Excel mileage log is a mileage tracking app. Mileage tracking apps are just digital versions of mileage logs—with tons of great benefits, though, especially because mileage apps save drivers and admins a lot of time.
As you plan ahead for your next journey, don’t forget to bring along a mileage log!
Maintaining an accurate mileage log is not only important to ensure you’re staying compliant with IRS regulations, but also so that you can better take advantage of any deductions and reimbursements for which you qualify. The steps for setting up a spreadsheet are time consuming at the beginning but well worth it in the end—once it’s set up, all you have to do at the end of each trip is enter relevant information. Keeping your mileage log up-to-date saves you time and money!
With this information, armed with helpful tips from this post, keeping track of your mileage should be easy as pie. From tracking business miles to medical miles, having a secure mileage record will make life much simpler when tax time rolls around. Hopefully our guide has answered any questions on how to start your own mileage log and use it correctly. So if you’re ready to start recording mileage, head on over to:
Mileage tracking spreadsheet (make a copy!)
Just make a copy to start tracking miles. You’ve got nothing to lose and lots of money to save—good luck!
Disclaimer: nothing contained in this blog post is legal or accounting advice. Consult your lawyer or accountant and do not rely on the information contained herein for any business or personal financial or legal decision making. While we strive to be as reliable as possible, we are neither lawyers nor accountants. For several citations of IRS publications, on which we base our blog content ideas, please always consult this article: For Cardata’s terms of service, go here:
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